About the Curator
Yang Derong

Yang Derong is a man of many faces — quite literally, if you saw his most recent digital art project Face Of The Day, in which he posed for a solemn photograph dressed as a different character every day for a year.

In real life, his multiple faces include those of fashion designer, costume designer and multidisciplinary artist.

In the 80s and 90s, Derong ran with iconic designer Jean Charles de Castelbajac in Paris for seven years as his Directeur de Style, then spent 12 years living and working in the USA, UK, Germany and Hong Kong as Espirit International’s Global Image Director. He returned to Singapore in 2012 and has taken on roles such as National Day Parade art director, as well as costume designer for Singapore’s Golden Jubilee celebrations and Bicentennial celebrations in 2019. He also co-created the 2019 Orchid Extravaganza show at the Gardens by the Bay.
In addition to a career in fashion design, image and branding, and creative direction, Derong has designed costumes for Singapore theatre, bringing to life productions including Beauty World, Hotpants and Forbidden City – Portrait of an Empress, which won him an M1–The Straits Times Life! Theatre Award in 2003. He reprised this role in the 2017 run of Forbidden City. 

With Face Of The Day, Derong was featured as one of six artists in the 2019 DigiMuse Presents exhibition at NMS. The same work was presented in Paris for a group exhibition entitled C(hope) as part of the Urban Art Singapore Exhibition, organised by the Singapore Embassy in Paris and Urban Art Fair.

#NEVERBEFORESG is a National Museum of Singapore commission

In conjunction with The Novel Ways of Being initiative by The National Gallery of Singapore and The Singapore Art Museum

#NEVERBEFORESG curated by Yang Derong

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